Will not teach from the word of God
Will ask you to kiss them in the Hand
- Do not kiss them on the hand
Will call ask you to call them 'Father'
- Do not call anyone father on earth for only you have only one father who is in heaven
Will ask you to kneel before them
Will tell you to confess your sins to them
- Confess your sins to them.
Will tell you they can forgive your sins
- Only God can forgive sins.
Will teach you to follow man made tradition
- Worthless manmade traditions catequism.
Will forbid Marriage
- Obstain from marriage priests can't get married.
Will forbid eating certain food
- Lent will not allow you to eat meat for 40 days.
Will not be baptized as adult
- Baptize infants so they can go to heaven.
Will teach you to follow other gods
- Will prophycied God, but deviate you from him. Deuteronomy 13:1-6
Will not walk in Love
- by this they will know that you are my disciples
- feed the orphans and the widows
- help the needy
Will continue to perform sacrifices
- They continue to sacrifice Jesus every Sunday.
Will claim to have no sin
- The Pope is the Holiness 1 John 1:8-10
Will pray with worthless repetative words
- Rosary repeates the same phrase over and over. Do not be like the pharasees who think that with their worthless repetitions
Will look holly, but underneath are ravenous wolve
- Priest dress godly, but they are rapist, pedaphiles and homosexuals
- You will know them by the fruit they bare
Will allow you to live in sin
- As long as you confess your sins every week you can start fresh on Monday to commit the same sins
- You will know them by the fruit they bare
Will say that everyone is a daughter or son of God
- Not every one is the son of God, you are of your father the devil
Will not understand scriptures
- They have eyes, but they can not see, they have ears but they can not hear
Will teach you pagan rituals
- Celebrate different Saints each month
